Work Visa & Permit

What is considered work?

Work is any activity that:

  • you are paid to do, or
  • you are not paid to do but is a job that:
    • you would usually be paid for, or
    • would be a valuable work experience for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (for example, an unpaid intern).

Pay includes money or commission:

  • an employer gives you,
  • you receive for a service, or
  • you receive for any other activity.

You usually need a work permit to work in Canada.

A work permit or study permit is not a visa.

A visa will not automatically be issued to you when you extend your work or study permit. If you need a new visitor visa, you may need to submit a separate application.

You can apply for a visitor visa from inside Canada if you meet all the conditions below:

  • you’re already in Canada
  • you hold a valid study or work permit
  • you want to leave and return to Canada in the near future
  • your existing visitor visa is expired or was valid for only one entry