Investor Applications

Investor Programs

There are several investor programs that keep evolving according to the needs of the Canadian provinces and investors skills, experience, and personal net worth are evaluated to make you eligible for one of Canada’s immigrant investor programs sometimes granting fast-tracked investor visas for an applicant’s contributions to developing the Canadian economy.

Those programs include

Federal Investor Program

This program has been terminated with currently no plans to resume this program.              The Federal Investment Immigrant Program permited eligible immigrant investors to acquire Permanent Resident Status in Canada by making a guaranteed, five-year investment of $800,000 CAD of their own funds via an authorized agent.

Federal Venture Capital Program

If you are savvy business owner or manager with a personal net worth that exceeds $10 million, you may be qualified to apply under the Federal Venture Capital Pilot Program. Eligible applicants will be required to make a non-guaranteed investment of $2 million for up to 15 years in order to secure an investor visa (Permanent Residency).

Quebec Investor Program

Immigrant investors who are looking to plant roots in the province of Quebec may do so by applying for a Quebec Investor Visa. The province is seeking applicants with a minimum personal net worth of $2 million and managerial experience within legal farming, commercial, industrial, or professional industries. Eligible investors will be required to make a five year, guaranteed investment of $1.2 million.

Provincial Nominee Programs for Investors

Certain provinces offer the opportunity to immigrate to Canada with an investor visa by applying under their own investor stream of the Provincial Nominee Program. Each province will establish their own set of rules and eligibility requirements based on its own economy, opportunities and market gaps. If you are interested in living and investing in one particular province, you could be nominated through their provincial immigration program to begin your journey to a Canadian investment immigration visa.